
Graphic and Industrial Designer Day

Since 1975 in Argentina every October 24 is celebrated the Day of the Graphic and Industrial Designer. It is in recognition of Haydée Stritmatter, who graduated in 1966.

Today is the Day of the Graphic and Industrial Designer. Graphic design is a profession whose activity consists in designing visual communications designed to convey specific messages to social groups with certain goals. This activity helps to optimize graphic communications.

For a world that is increasingly hungry for images and messages that have artistic quality, the work of a graphic designer is of vital importance. Its usefulness not only lies in “beautifying” the poster, but it is a fundamental ally of the communicator to express an idea as well as possible.

For all that and much more, every  October 24  in  Argentina, Graphic Designer’s Day is celebrated. This date was established in memory of the first designer who graduated from a university in the country,  Haydeé Stritmatter, who graduated from the National University of Cuyo in 1966. Until then, graphic design consisted of trade and was not a professional activity.

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In addition to the aforementioned national celebration, International Graphic Design Day is celebrated around the world every April 27, the date on which the International Council of Graphic Design Associations was established in London, founded in 1963 in London.

Thus, in the world, there are different dates in commemoration of design. On the other hand, every June 29, Industrial Design Day is commemorated around the world.

In Argentina, a particular celebration is held remembering October 24, 1966, when  Argentina’s first graphic designer,  Haydée Stritmatter, graduated from the National University of Cuyo, graduated.

She was the first student to fully pass the entire 4th year. And therefore, depending on what was established by the study plan of that time, he obtained an intermediate degree, that of  Designer,  since at that time the degree program that contained it was  Industrial Design.

On August 23, 1968, the first graduates with the degree of  Industrial Designer, the ladies Martha Passera and Raquel Perales, were received at the National University of Cuyo.

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It was only almost a decade later that in 1975, the directors of the Design careers, from Mendoza and the city of La Plata, Professor Mario Delhez and the Industrial Designer Ricardo Denegri respectively, agreed to institutionalize October 24, as the  Day of the Designer in Argentina.

The celebration of this date signified recognition of the area as a profession and not simply as an “auxiliary” occupation of the printing industry. This fact was the kick-start for the valorization of design as a fundamental tool in communication.

▷ What does a Graphic Designer do?  Responsibilities and activities
October 24, Graphic and Industrial Designer Day.

What is the difference between an industrial designer and a graphic designer?

The industrial designer acquires the necessary knowledge to produce industrial articles according to the needs of the market and society. It is who establishes a bridge between the product and the user. It seeks well-being in addition to taking advantage of new technologies and new materials that are required for the manufacture of products.

The difference between a graphic designer and an industrial designer is that the graphic designer deals with the two-dimensional design, in charge of projecting and carrying out visual communications, while the industrial designer conceives design in a three-dimensional way, in charge of conceiving, designing, redesigning and produce the products that were understood as a need that needs to be covered for the well-being of the human being.

Industrial designers have the function of detecting needs that arise within society in order to create and innovate new products focused on meeting the needs that were detected.

The industrial designer is in charge of improving the quality of life of the population through the elaboration of well-founded designs in his research methodologies.

3 differences between graphic design and industrial design

Emily Castillo

Emily Castillo has traveled around Eastern Europe and learned about the history of the region and walking the paths of her characters. Emily has been a lifelong writer and she started writing from her 6th standard.

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