
Why are farmers not being trusted?

The Prime Minister’s tongue should be like a mint coin. But this is not the case with farmers. So this is a big question on the Prime Minister and his entire government. Now the question is, what kind of prospect are farmers seeing, due to which they are apprehensive? Do they feel that the government can screw something while withdrawing the law in Parliament?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the withdrawal of three controversial agriculture laws made last year. He didn’t have any doubts about it and didn’t say anything in a twisted manner. The Prime Minister bluntly said that the government will complete the constitutional process of withdrawing these laws in the next session of Parliament. With folded hands, he appealed to the farmers to end the agitation and return home. Despite this, the farmers are not ending the agitation, instead they have said that they will wait till the constitutional process of withdrawing the laws in Parliament is completed. The question is, what do the farmers have doubts about? Why are they distrusting the Prime Minister?

While addressing the country through national TV, the Prime Minister has spoken of withdrawing the law. It is not that he has promised in a secret meeting or that some other minister, leader of the government has promised to return the laws to the farmers. This is an announcement made on national TV. Despite this, if the farmers are not believing in this, then it should be understood how bad the credibility of the government and the Prime Minister himself has become. How much weight has been lost in his words. The Prime Minister’s tongue should be like a mint coin. But this is not the case with farmers. So this is a big question on the Prime Minister and his entire government.

Now the question is, what kind of prospect are farmers seeing, due to which they are apprehensive? Do they feel that the government can screw something while withdrawing the law in Parliament? Or is there a possibility of a partial return of the laws rather than a complete return? The apprehension has also increased due to the statements of some BJP leaders. A minister in the Madhya Pradesh government and a state governor said that the government can bring the agriculture law again if needed. There is also a reason that no one, from the Prime Minister to the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, said that the laws are wrong, so they are being withdrawn. Everyone said that the laws are right and in the interest of the farmers, but the government could not explain its benefits to a few farmers. Regarding the black law, which the farmers who have been agitating for a year, were telling about it, Union Minister VK Singh said that there is nothing black in this law except ink. The farmers are apprehensive due to these things, so to keep the pressure, it has been decided to continue the agitation.

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Apart from the apprehension, the farmers have got the taste of success so they start hoping for something extra. They are feeling that in this stroke the issue of Minimum Support Price (MSP) will also be resolved. This is very important for the farmers. The Prime Minister has also talked about forming a committee. If the government makes a law that in any part of the country there will be no purchase and sale of food grains at a price lower than the MSP, then all the small farmers of the country will also benefit from it, whose number is 85 percent. Keep in mind that only big farmers and farmers of a few states benefit from the purchase of mandis. If there is a legal guarantee of purchase at MSP, then every farmer will get the benefit of it. Along with this, the farmers also want to settle the issue of getting compensation for the families of the farmers who were martyred during the agitation and removing the cases against the farmers.

As far as the constitutional process in Parliament is concerned, it is a very simple process. If the government agrees in principle to repeal all three controversial laws, it can be done by bringing a single bill. The government does not need to bring three separate laws to withdraw the three laws. The government will introduce only one bill to repeal the laws, which will be passed by both the houses and after getting the assent of the President, all the three laws will be repealed. The Narendra Modi government has done this at least six times in its seven-year tenure. The government has done this to do away with the old and obsolete laws. The Modi government had also withdrawn the Land Acquisition Ordinance but that law was not made, so the government did not have to go to Parliament. If the ordinance is not passed by both the Houses of Parliament within six months, then it automatically lapses.

There is also a provision in some laws, by which they expire after a certain time. It is called sunset clause, as in the constitution a 10-year sunset clause was imposed for caste reservation. It is a different matter that it was extended after 10 years and since then it is being carried forward. If a law has a sunset clause and Parliament does not proceed with its term, then it automatically lapses. But agricultural law is different from these two. It was implemented through an ordinance but passed by both the houses of the Parliament and became a law and there is no sunset clause in it. Therefore, the government will have to bring a bill to eliminate them and get it passed by both the houses of Parliament. Farmers will wait for this. By continuing the agitation, they are pressurizing the government to withdraw all the three laws without any conditions and also talk to the farmers on the issue of minimum support price, compensation to the families of farmers and withdrawal of cases.

Shivam Bangwal

Shivam Bangwal is an India-based Entrepreneur. He is the Founder of Successful Startups like Youthistaan, People News Chronicle, Hitchhike TV & Branding Panther. Shivam has done his Master's in Computer Applications.

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